
the title means plump (potato tank)


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Premium Friday: New Japanese work culture

Hi my friends, Today I would like to share you with new Janpanese campaign for better work condition, which is called "Premium Friday." What is Premium Friday? Only 1% companies accept Premium Friday. My personal Opinion

Monthly Update:

Hi everyone. Thank for visiting my blog. Today I got an email from blog-administration, which told me I haven't updated this blog for a month and asked me to write something I would be interested in. So I start updating 3rd month result of…

【Life hack in Japan】Tips for eating out with foreign friends in Japan

Hey guys, My name is Kitarou(in Japanese, キタロー) So, I haven't updated this blog for long time. (I don't know if someone visits my English/German ver. Blog. haha) Today I would like to show some Tips for resonamble eat out plan. Table…

Just Update :my daily life

Dear visitors in this blog. today I just update my daily life to keep this blog Nowa days I also write in my Japanese blog. the topic is very valuable. So in my Japanese blog I do not keep one special topic, but I wirte about pol…

Zusammenleben mit Tieren (German)

Hey Leute, Heute shcreibe ich einen Artikel auf Deutsch. Ich hoffe ihr versteht mein Deutsch. Also ist es auch in Japana langam kalt. Man kann nicht richtig aufstehen, weil ich denke, es ist warm im Bett und außer dem Bett ist es zu kalt, …

Japanese favorable technique

Hi guys! I often write in Japanese, because of course it's my mother tongue . And I wanna expand my experiences in other countries to those who are interested in foreign culture. But today I would like to share a beautiful and clean Japane…

To give up easily (after three days): Mikka-bozu:

Appologizing So I haven't written articles for long time . From today I would like to restart to write essays in English, German and Japanese. I just came up with this idea, beucase I am also the person, who are like so. Today's Topic In J…

Revival from long absence.

Hi Thank you for your visiting my blog. I was too concentrated on my another blog written in Japanese until when I am enough ready to start writng here again. Actually I wanna write articles here in German and separate more into German ver…

Google Übersetzung entwickelt sich

Letzten Tag hat Google in eigenem Blog einen Artikel geschriben. Es geht um bessere Übersetzungen. Unten sieht man einen Link und noch Mehr Details stehen da. Also, hat das Internetunternehmen neue Manchine eingestellt, die neural translat…

Ein Japaner bloggt auf Deutsch

Hallo Leser, Mein Name ist Kitarou. Ich bin Japaner und in Osaka geboren. Heute fange ich an hier zu bloggen. Eingentlich habe ich schon vorher in Wordpress Bloggen gemacht. Deshalb kann ich schon irgendwie auf Deutsch Texte schreiben. Abe…